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Join Our Team

If you are interested in working for a nonprofit, contributing to the community, and helping develop business owners then we could be a perfect fit for you. We are looking for employees, consultants, and volunteers.

We have such a diverse and dynamic work environment that you will never be bored. We are constantly on the go and working on something different every day. If you love diversity, are quick on your feet, and are not put off by quick turns, then we need you.



  • Administrative Assistant: strong organizational skills, eye for detail, loves being creative, with excellent customer service skills, and enjoys multi-tasking.

  • Business Coach: has business experience and education to share with our clients while guiding them through their preparations to becoming a successful entrepreneur, and determining if their business idea is feasible.

  • Business Foods Developer: works directly with the education and development of our new Farmer Trainees, teaching them everything from soil health, planting, care of crops, harvesting, processing and marketing of their food products.

  • Facilities and Farm Maintenance: in charge of maintaining the business and farm incubator and offices.

  • Night Security: watches over the facilities after hours when regular staff are not in the office, to help incubator Tenants maintain their evening and weekend hours.

  • Health Educator: we administer the SNAP-Ed services for the Red Lake Nation. This position provides nutritional activities and information along with promotion of physical activities for the health and welfare of the Red Lake Nation community members.

  • Executive Director: oversees staff, activities, projects, marketing, budgets, assets, grants, strategic planning, resource development, and more. A very diverse and full plate, but so very rewarding.


We work with such a diverse list of activities that we also hire various experts to assist with specific tasks or events, such as:

  • Accountants

  • Marketing/Graphic Designer

  • Photographer

  • Videographer

  • Website Development

  • Business Consultants

  • Social Media Maintenance

  • Artists and Art Demonstrations

  • Chefs and Food Demonstrations

  • Cultural Knowledge Carriers

  • Experienced Gardeners and; Farmers

  • Carpenters, Plumbers and Electricians

You can volunteer on a regular basis, for a short time, or for a specific activity or service. We are open to setting a schedule that works for your needs. Maybe you only want to help out for 2 hours a week or maybe 2 or 3 days a week, or you really only want to help out with the Art Festival or teach accounting. Let us know what skill you would like to share or if you just want to pitch in as a helper once in a while. Think about what we are trying to accomplish for the Red Lake Nation and how you would like to help us do that.

If you possess experience and knowledge in any of the areas listed above, please let us know by providing us with your name, contact information, and resume so we can contact you when we need someone with your skills, knowledge or time.

In Addition: If you have suggestions or ideas that might help us achieve our mission, please feel free to share them as well. We are always looking for new resources and methods to help entrepreneurs become more successful and profitable.

Workshops, Classes and Events:

No events at the moment
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